Thursday, December 28, 2006

Awesome Christmas Vacation

We had an Awesome Christmas vacation visiting family in California. We spent 5 nights with my dad and the kids decorated cookies with their Grandma Jackie. Nick went fishing with his papa and caught fish. They even brought some home to eat. We had a great prime rib dinner and received great Christmas gifts. We got to meet our newest nephew, Kaleb. I had a great time holding him.

The next 5 nights were spent with my mom. We again had a fabulous prime rib dinner and opened lots of presents on Christmas Eve. The kids took snowboarding lessons for the first time on Mt. Shasta. They had a blast and now it looks like they want to do it more often. I better get a job!! We did our traditional Italian sausage making with my cousin Marianna. We went to her house and she taught me how to make raviolies. Derek's dad and Linda stopped by to spend time with us before they headed down to So. Cal. to visit Derek's sister and her kids. They really enjoyed Marianna's Italian dinner as well.

On Dec 23rd we went to the Slabaugh's Christmas at my Aunt Alison and Uncle Leonard's house. It was great seeing everyone again. The kids are sure getting big. We pigged out on Mexican food, played games and the kids decorated ginger bread houses. It was a lot of fun.

We had to drive home on Christmas day because Derek had to work on the 26th. We arrived home and opened more presents that Santa had brought. Santa sure was good to us all!! Now we are just trying to unpack and get back into our normal routine. We loved seeing everyone and loved just spending time with our family. We can't wait to do it again.

Monday, December 11, 2006

First Shift as a Lieutenant

Derek is officially a Lieutenant as of today, December 11, 2006. The kids and I took him and his crew an ice cream cake to celebrate his first shift at his new position.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Introducing Lieutenant Grafton

We just received a memo dated December 4, 2006 that reads:

"Engineer Grafton (badge #183) will be promoted to Lieutenant and will remain on "C" shift. Lieutenant Grafton's first day working in his new capacity shall be Tuesday, December 12."

This memo came from Deputy Chief Randy DeWitt.


Natalie's 3rd Birthday Party

Sunday, December 3, 2006

Natalie's 3rd Birthday Party

Our youngest turned 3 today. She's such a big girl. We had a small party at our house with some friends and family in attendance. Natalie had a lot of fun eating her cake and opening her presents.

Friday, December 1, 2006

Our Nephew has Arrived

I received a call from my brother early this morning at 2:40 saying that I was an Auntie again. My nephew was born at 2:04 a.m. December 1, 2006. He weighed 8 lbs and was 19 1/2 inches long. His name is Kaleb Charles Slabaugh and they are going to call him K.C. for short. Welcome to the family Kaleb!