Saturday, November 11, 2006

Countdown to test day

Some of you already know that Derek has been in ODP (officer development program) and has been studying for a whole year now. Well the time has finally come to take the test and get promoted. This program is a rigorous program and is not taken lightly. Derek not only had to fulfill the requirements of the program but had to take some college courses on top of ODP. It's been a stressful year to say the least. He has prepared himself better than anyone that I know and I have total confidence in his abilities to score number one. There are four other guys in the program that he will be up against. The top two candidates will be promoted to lieutenant immediately and then there will be three more openings to follow sometime next year. His written test, consisting of 150 questions, will be on Tuesday, November 14th. He will then have his oral boards on Wednesday and will find out where he ranks on Friday. By the end of next week, he could be a Lieutenant. If you are one to pray--please pray that Derek goes into this test with a strong mind and an abundance of confidence. I will post how he does on this site so check back on Friday, November 17th to see how he did. There will also be a promotional ceremony sometime next year and we would love to have you come if you are able. I will post that date when I know when it is going to be held.

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