Sunday, January 21, 2007

My Birthday Surprise

Today is my birthday. A day that I have been dreading for awhile. Getting older is not something that I enjoy, but today I made an exception. Derek and the kids took me out to brunch this morning to the Valley River Inn. While we were there we got to meet Joey Harrington. Yes, THE Joey Harrington (who is one of my favorite football players in the NFL). He is a celebrity here in Eugene, due to his college days at the U of O as quarterback. Nick went up to him and asked him if he played for the Miami Dolphins and then had quite a conversation with him. He received some great advice and for an eight year old boy, that will be a conversation he will remember for the rest of his life. For a 37 year old mom it was priceless. If all of my birthdays were this way, then I wouldn't mind getting older. It was a great day.

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