Wednesday, January 10, 2007

New Year 2007

Wow! This year already feels like it is flying by. I'm still trying to catch up from Christmas.

We had a wonderful Christmas holiday and now we are trying to get back into the swing of things. The kids are back to school and doing a great job. Nick is playing basketball for the first time and is having fun. Katelyn is going to start rock climbing pretty soon as well. We are still trying to potty train Natalie. She has been so close so many times, but just can't seem to go all the way. Derek has been moved to a new fire station--Station 2. He has been at Station 1 for 8 years and now he has to get used to a new station, a new area and a new crew. As for me, I am trying to go through the house and get rid of the clutter. It's a never ending job and it wears me out, but someone has to do it, right? I am also gearing up for some more remodeling. I still have the kids' bathroom and the laundry room to complete and a few things here and there to touch up, but soon it will be done.

My youngest brother, Kevin is beginning an admirable journey today in San Diego. He and two other friends are riding their bicycles 3,300 miles across the country to raise money for a friend that died of ALS. ALS is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. This disease usually afflicts people over 40 years of age. This disease is rare for a person of Kalan's age and his condition progressed faster than any other case seen by doctors. He died this past November at the age of 22. Please keep Kevin in your prayers for me. He will be riding through many states and enduring moderate to severe weather conditions. He needs all of your prayers to complete this journey. If you'd like to track his progress, you can log onto Also on the website you can see who Kalan was and donate money to the ALS research foundation in his memory if you choose.

Well that's it for now. Keep checking back for updates.

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