Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Is There a Heaven for Alpacas?

Do you think that God has a special place in heaven for all of the animals and pets that leave us here on earth? I personally think so and pray that alpacas have their own special place where the pastures are green and lush and there's no threat of preditors. Early this morning we had our first alpaca death on our ranch. She wasn't one of my animals, but I loved her all the same.

Since we have lived out in the country, my children have seen the miracle of birth and have experienced the saddness of death. As hard as it is for them, I think they are learning some very valuable life lessons and it's opened many doors for communication about our beliefs. There is a purpose for everything, even though we don't always know what that purpose is--God has a plan. Even though we will miss our pets, they are in a better place and one day we will get to see them again.

This particular alpaca was pregnant and due in September. Unfortunately her baby didn't survive either. So Hayley, I hope you are free of pain and illness and you are watching your little cria frolicking in the fields of heaven. Rest in Peace.

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